Thank you, “I want to be alone” era!

As 2023 unfolded and my early 30s came to a close, it brought with it a realization that echoed louder than ever—I’m grateful for my ‘I Want to Be Alone’ era.

It’s been more than a decade of self-discovery and introspection, a chapter in my life where solitude has become a welcomed companion rather than an unwelcome guest.

In a world that often encourages constant connectivity, the notion of embracing solitude might seem counterintuitive. Yet, my recent years have been a testament to the importance of carving out space for oneself. It’s not about isolation or shutting others out, but a conscious choice to prioritize introspection, personal growth, and understanding.

The ‘I Want to Be Alone’ era wasn’t born out of a disdain for companionship; rather, it was a recognition of the need for intentional solitude. I was creating a sanctuary within, where thoughts can unfold without external influences, where the cacophony of the world can be replaced by the quietude of self-reflection.

I was not avoiding the world; I was finding a harmonious balance between engagement with others and the enriching solitude that allows for self-discovery.

The beauty of this era lies in the freedom to explore personal interests, passions, and the depths of one’s own thoughts without the constant hum of external demands. It’s a conscious effort to understand oneself, to recharge in solitude, and to emerge with a clearer sense of purpose.

In a society that often associates solitude with loneliness, this era challenges that narrative. It’s about thriving in one’s own company, finding strength in self-reliance, and acknowledging that sometimes the most profound discoveries happen in the quiet corners of our own minds.

One of the many things I am grateful for my ‘I Want to Be Alone’ era was the long chapter of self-exploration, self-love, and the recognition that sometimes, the most profound relationships we can nurture are the ones we have with ourselves.

2023. Singapore. Mid-30s and blessed!

Hello, “financial freedom” era!

I’m in my mid-30s now, and let me tell you, it’s shaping up to be quite an adventure, especially when it comes to money. I’ve coined this period as the start of my “financial freedom” era, and while it’s proving to be a bit tough, the excitement is definitely there.

Navigating finances in my mid-30s isn’t a breeze. It requires determination and a smart approach to money matters. From figuring out investments to setting realistic goals, every step has its own set of challenges. But you know what? Despite the hurdles, there’s a thrill in breaking free from financial constraints and building a foundation for a secure future.

One exciting thing about this era is the sense of control it brings. It’s about taking charge of your money, understanding where it goes, and making choices that align with your long-term plans. It’s not just about saving money; it’s about learning how to handle it wisely and making choices that match your dreams.

In the midst of budgeting, investing, and planning, there’s a feeling of empowerment. Challenges become opportunities for growth, and my determination transforms obstacles into steps toward financial independence.

As I step into this financial freedom era in my mid-30s, I’m reminded that it’s not just about the destination—it’s about the journey. The lessons learned, the resilience gained, and the financial smarts picked up along the way matter just as much as reaching that goal. The excitement isn’t just in the idea of financial freedom; it’s in the process of getting there.

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